
Loving God with our gratitude, loving others with our generosity.
-Barbara Fullerton, Stewardship Dev. Program Coordinator, UC of Canada

Christian stewardship is a response to God’s mission for the world.

Being a steward is a spiritual practice that is:

• lifelong,
• our faith in action, and
• rooted in our gratitude and generosity.

Stewardship means giving the gifts that God has entrusted to us; our time, talents, skills, physical resources and financial support.

The work of the Stewardship Committee at St. Andrew’s River Heights UC includes stewardship education and awareness, and an annual donation campaign to support the church’s needs as well as ministries in:

• our church community,
• our neighbourhood community, and
• global communities and missions.

 And what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?   Micah 6:8